My palette on the videos
Info on the long, narrow palette in some of my videos. Pros and cons and some other palette options.
Info on the long, narrow palette in some of my videos. Pros and cons and some other palette options.
Creating a sense of depth and believable shadows, especially on red, yellow and orange objects.
This is a great time of year to reflect on your painting journey and explore the power of negative space in your paintings and your life.
Some situations are inherently difficult to paint with transparent watercolor alone. Bringing in a other media may help you create a successful painting with less struggle.
Why is it so hard for us to just ignore them? Should we actually be following them?
Save yourself some headaches by choosing subjects and creating designs that work with the medium.
My experience and thoughts about how to find time to paint.
How to revive those rock-hard tubes or the crumbly paint in that palette you haven’t used in a while.
Starting with a blank sheet of paper and just doing whatever “feels right” is way too little structure for most of us. This video gives you a step-by-step starting structure that you can improvise on top of to create a dragonfly of your own style.
It sounds simple to simply keep listening for the little voice of intuition, but which one? Many of us have many internal impulses warring within us. How do you know which to listen to?
Working on paper that is saturated from the back is a method for preventing your paper from buckling while you work that does not involve stretching it.
Making small adjustments can help you paint more personally meaningful paintings based on photos. (Or, what happened when I tried to execute the plan we created for the boat on the river.)
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