Live Demo 8 Nov 2020—Mastering “Negative Thinking”
Negative painting requires us to find shapes that are “not things”. Our brains resist! In this demo, I’ll show you a few strategies you can use to help yourself make that mental shift!
Archive of old Second Sunday Live Demos
Negative painting requires us to find shapes that are “not things”. Our brains resist! In this demo, I’ll show you a few strategies you can use to help yourself make that mental shift!
All about choosing the best paper for you and your way of working. And, the definitive answer to that perennial question: “Do I really have to stretch my paper?”
Which brushes do you really need? What sizes? Synthetic or natural bristles? Is Kolinsky sable really worth the expense? I’ll answer questions like these, demonstrate different types of brushes and explain pros and cons, and share which brushes are my “go-to” brushes now and why I chose them.
A lot of people have asked me to talk about what brands of paint I use (most of them!) and what colors I have on my palette (way too many!). I’m always at a loss, because I am constantly playing around with the colors on my palette. I’m just as much of a sucker for a cool new color as the next person. Isn’t that just part of the fun of watercolor? But it’s time to take a stab at answering the REAL question, How can you decide which colors to have on your palette?”
Some strategies I use to manage the overwhelming amount of information when painting on location, so sketching enhances my enjoyment, instead of raising my stress level. And so I have a better chance of coming back with photos and sketches that I can actually use to create satisfying, personally meaningful paintings.
Some tips for creating bold, lively florals in watercolor.
I demonstrate some of my favorite mixtures for grey, including a secret for mixing greys to create a sense of warm light glowing behind the edges of clouds.
Several different options for light, packable watercolor sketching kits, and a few tips for selecting a manageable subject from the sometimes overwhelming wealth of options when working on location.
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