Preparing and Personalizing Your Journal and Supplies
Suggestions for some suitable watercolor sketchbooks to use as a studio journal, plus a look at my everyday supply kit. Course Content Course Home Page Preliminaries/Preparations Course Modules
How a studio journal can help you nurture your creativity and develop your authentic creative voice.
Suggestions for some suitable watercolor sketchbooks to use as a studio journal, plus a look at my everyday supply kit. Course Content Course Home Page Preliminaries/Preparations Course Modules
When we talk about what sort of paintings we do, we often describe our favorite subjects, and perhaps something about our style: “I paint colorful, contemporary florals,” or “I paint soft, moody landscapes,” or “I paint quirky pets with a lot of personality.” That’s exactly what you want for casual conversation, but when you are…
Lighting pays a huge role in directing the viewer’s attention, but often we just accept whatever we have (esp. if you’re used to copying photos). But we don’t have to! This module is all about using lighting to set the mood. Watercolor’s transparency means that we can easily suggest colored light, or a pattern of…
People can be a challenge for artists. Drawing or painting them, and also, coping with (often unsolicited) advice and opinions about our work. People can also be a gift to artists. All the people who support us by making space and time and resources available to us, offering encouragement, sharing and collecting our artwork, and…
Has this ever happened to you? You decide to go out and sketch in some lovely location, but when you get there, you look around and think, “There are so many great possibilities here, I can’t choose!” or “I can’t paint fast enough to capture all this. Before I start painting, I better take some…
What we pay attention to in our art is what is going to get developed and emphasized, so it’s worth making deliberate choices about where to place our attention. But even if you avoid big attention-hogs like social media, news media and TV, there are often still many voices, real and internal, competing for our…
We talk about favorite colors, but we don’t talk as much about favorite color combinations. Sometimes what grabs you about a scene is the juxtaposition of colors, or a subtle blend. The next time you look at a scene and think “I want to paint that!”, or look at a painting and think, “I really…
Have you ever overworked a painting? I know I have! We tend to fix our attention all on the tip of the brush, and forget to step back, take in the whole, and ask “Do I really need to add anything more?” In this module, we consider the question “When is an artwork done?” and…
Once you have a clear picture of what you want from your studio notebook (or any creative project), the next step is to begin. Okay, but how? If you feel uncertain, the tendency is to assume you need more preparation. But more planning, more classes, more books and videos don’t help unless you also actually…
Artists often sign their work, but not all artists do so in an obvious way. Some painters have a prominent signature in one corner of the painting. Others hide it a bit, or even put it on the back of a piece, so it doesn’t interfere with the viewer’s experience of the painting itself. And…
Whew, we’ve been doing a lot of thinking! Time to get back in touch with the emotional side of our painting practice. The idea of keeping a gratitude journal is everywhere. And there’s plenty of research suggesting it can help people become calmer and happier. Have you ever considered keeping a visual gratitude journal? Or…
“I don’t know what to paint.” “I’m not sure how much to include in the painting.” “I don’t know what color scheme to use.” Do you ever find yourself stuck like this? It can help to consider why you’re making this painting. Or why you make paintings, in general. But don’t make a big deal…
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