Gathering Your Supplies

For information about the supplies used in this class, see the Recommended Supply List.

Recommended Supplies for Watercolor Jumpstart

This is just a suggested list, for those who don’t have supplies already. If you already have some supplies, start there. No need to buy more stuff unless you run into problems.

The most likely difficulties involving supplies are:

  • some student-grade paints and pan colors don’t produce strong color—if you’re struggling to get strong, vibrant color consider buying a few tubes of professional or artist-grade color (see the supply list for suggestions of colors to buy)
  • streaky washes, paint puddling on the paper surface, paper that peels into layers, paper that tears easily when removing tape or masking fluid—student-grade paper (any paper that is not 100% cotton) is weaker than 100% cotton paper and has more sizing (makes it less absorbent, so it can tolerate water, but also changes how it takes a wash); try buying a few sheets or a small pad (NOT a block—too expensive!) of 100% cotton paper and see if you get better results

Course Content

Course Home Page

Getting Started
Project 1 — Spring Chickadee
Project 2 — Marbles in the Sun
Project 3 — Rainbow Rose Window
Project 4 — Dawn and Dusk at the Lake
Project 5 — Daisies in a Jar
Project 6 — Fisherman’s Wharf Sketch