How Do I Paint Tan? (beige/khaki/sand/bark/fur/feathers/skin)
Do you have trouble with these colors? Here’s a tip that can make them easier to mix AND much more natural and lively!
Do you have trouble with these colors? Here’s a tip that can make them easier to mix AND much more natural and lively!
Fun exercises in glazing and negative painting. Perfect for times when you feel like painting, but you’re too stressed or tired to focus on challenging work. A chance to play with color and different ways of applying paint while you practice essential watercolor skills.
41 min.
A simple and nondestructive way to stop paint from beading up on a plastic watercolor palette.
Color always gets my creative juices flowing. Here are four ways to use the Color of the Day to unleash your creative spirit—(click the image to read on)
Even if you do as I do and have a “(home)base palette” of 8 or 9 colors, there are times when you want to bring in other colors for a particular painting or series. Here’s how I do it to make sure I still have color harmony.
An easy way to get a nice, round moon without masking, plus a variety of techniques for suggesting trees, foliage and branches.
24 min.
Color-mixing is often discussed as if the only consideration is getting “the right color”, but watercolor pigments each have their own physical and chemical properties. This video presents some activities to help you develop a more sophisticated understanding of color-mixing so you become better at choosing and mixing pigments to create the artistic effects—including perceived color—you desire.
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