Your Studio Journal — 30 Days to Discover Your Unique Artistic Vision and Style

Learn to use your sketchbook or journal pages to discover and develop your personal creative themes and style. 30 modules with thought-provoking questions, creativity-building activities and artist-to-artist encouragement to help you develop a studio journaling practice to discover and develop your unique artistic vision and voice.

This course includes:

  • 30 thinking prompts—questions to help you deepen your understanding of what you want from your art and art-making, and develop more focused artistic goals
  • 30 activity prompts—a suggested activity to help you explore different ways to use your studio notebook besides just “making sketches”
  • 30 short videos (15-25 minutes) where I share a few thoughts about the day’s thinking prompt, and then work alongside you on the day’s activity as we listen to some relaxing music. You can use the video as inspiration for your work . . . or just for some companionship.

What Will I Learn?

  • learn to explore your journal pages with curiosity and openness to discover and develop your personal creative themes and style
  • clarify what you want from your art and your studio journal practice
  • use your art-making to soothe your spirit and expand your imagination

Note: This isn’t a “how-to-sketch” course. If you’re primarily interested in my tips for sketching, please see the Sketching collection of articles and videos.

Is This Course Right for Me?

This course is for anyone who wants to develop their personal creative style and voice, or explore and deepen their own creative potential, whether or not you have any art experience.

Course Content


Course Modules